I can use Typescrit and Jest Testing or any other testing tool to improve the quality of the application.
Whichever new technolgy appears in the market, I will master it very soon.
Don't doubt it 🙂


My skills

React Native - Mobiles (Android & iPhone)100%

React and Nextjs - Frontend Development100%

Node, MongoDB, MySql, PostgreSQL, SQLite Backend Development 100%

Angular - Frontend Development90%

Vanilla Javascript Development100%

Php and Laravel Development90%

Figma Design - Frontend Design90%

How can I help you?

REACT NATIVE - Mobile Development-(Android & iPhone)

Make your mobile application faster and more secure by developing it with React Native

Frontend Development - MERN/MEAN FullStacks

REACTjs and NETXjs Development. Also Vanilla Javascipt and Angular Developments for Web

Backend Development

NODEjs with MONGOdb, MYSQL, POSTGRESQL, SQLITE. Also PHP and LARAVEL Bacend Development

My Mobile Developments (Android & iOS)
REACT NATIVE, EXPO, GraphQL, Mongodb, Firebase. Stripe for payments

Apprestaurants CloneBaseCamp ecommerce tripadvisor AppointmentManager Cryptocurrency

My Web Developments - REACT, NEXTjs
Mongodb, PostgreSQL/MySQL/Firebase, GraphQL, next-auth, JWT

robertosamazon amazonMERN CRMforSellers instagram netflix google imdb twitter amazonMERN

My Node Developments
MongoDB(mongoose), MySQL(sequelize) con Typescript,PostgreSQL, Express

My Real Time (with 'socket.io' and React) Developments

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